WMAA VEX Robotics Team Logo

The West Michigan Aviation Academy competitive robotics team participates in the VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) program. Our competition team is structured like a typical Varsity Sport with the season including the Fall and Winter Athletics seasons.

The Basics of VEX Robotics Competition (VRC)

Each VRC Season has a new game. In the 2023-2024 VRC game, Over Under, teams attempt to attain a higher score than the opposing Alliance by Scoring Triballs in Goals, and by Elevating at the end of the Match.

VRC is a student centered program where participants develop engineering skills and compete in a sports type setting.


Design Notebook

Each team of students creates a robot design and uses a notebook to document their process throughout the competition season. Notebooks are judged using the Engineering Notebook Rubric.


Students use VEX parts and components to build their competition robots. The VEX platform allows teams to use C++ based programming to code their robot’s autonomous and driver modes for the competition.


During the VEX competitions students manually drive their robots for the majority of each Competition Match and in the Driver portion of the Robot Skills Competition.


Over Under Rules

Official Manual for Over Under Season

Over Under Q&A

Official Rule Interpretations and Clarifications

Skills Standings

Standings for the 2023-2024 VEX Robotics Competition